Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday. Monday. Monday.

Get off your bum

The perky "every single moment of my life is perfect" women on Facebook annoy me. I think the top braggers have the most to hide.

Possessed by an evil female genie? That's just CrAzEE.

Our upcoming road trip is a wee bit crazy. More on that later.

$35 laptop!

I love this show.

I need a massage.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Friendly Friday

Sometimes I'm overwhelmed by how good some people are. I don't mean goody two-shoes, never drink, smoke or swear. I mean people that are good to other people.

Example of an amazing person: My boss lady. I work for a local non-profit. I put in at least 40 hours a week (not so much during the summer since the kids are out of school.) but I only get paid for a quarter of that time. I volunteer the rest of my time. I love what I do and I wouldn't give it up for anything but my bills are rebelling. My boss lady offered to give up some of her salary for me!! That's amazing. Not very many people would do that. I can't take it though. I just can't. She works too hard. The program would be nothing without her. I'll hang in there. Sometimes I do struggle with whether or not I should get a full time paying job or stick with it. I always come to the same conclusion, I would rather do something I love! The sacrifices are worth it. I am however working very hard to have the grant fairy come visit. Any suggestions? Please feel free to share. Lol

Then there are the people out there that don't give a crap about anyone but themselves and only do things for people if they are getting something out of it. Oh yeah, we all know those people.

Here's a question for ya... Do you think it's right for someone to throw someone else under the bus so they can do right by someone else? I think that's the worst type of person. They are the sneaky ones. They make you think they are a good person when really it's just when they need/want something from you. Tricky bastards. Those are the ones that end up breaking your heart bc you thought you could trust 'em.

I do truly believe that if it weren't for those... excuse me... assholes, than we wouldn't appreciate the absolutely fabulous people in our lives. At least not as much as we should.

So, I double dog dare everyone to do something nice for someone this weekend.

P.S. I am putting together a planning committee for a fundraiser. If anyone is interested in volunteering, give me a shout. It is for a very good cause. ;-)

Monday, July 19, 2010

A road trip is in our near future! We are all ready to get out of Dodge. It has been way too long since our last adventure. 8 months! However, we needed to recover from our 3 major road trips last year.

We have no clue where we are going yet. There is a lot of work to do at the house. So, this trip will be a quicky.

As a family we have been to 16 states. There are so many places that the hubby and I have been to that kids would love to see. Hence the previous repeat trips.

I think one of the greatest gifts we can give the kids is to take them to as many places we can. Sometimes we have a destination. Sometimes we don't. It's the places along the way that make it so exciting. That's why road trips are the best! The most amazing places we have ever seen have come from, "Hey, I wonder what's down that road?"

So... What to do? Where to go? Where's the Atlas?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thursday Thoughts

I'm not one that starts wishing for the weekend start on Monday. I'm getting old. I need to appreciate every day. Not wish the week away.

Having said that, I'm glad tmrw is Friday. Tennis camp is over today and as a reward for them doing so awesome we are doing Chuck E Cheese tmrw. Yay! I love that mouse's house. Hopefully my trick of getting there as soon as they open will work and it won't be to crowded.

I always leave my keys in my car and just use the keypad to unlock it. I think I just burned my fingerprints off. It is hot out!!

Woman that have cellulite and chunky knees syndrome should NOT wear short shorts!! Just a little observation as I'm sitting here at tennis camp.

I need to get the kids new rackets. They are a few years old and when I bought my son's, I didn't realized that a cartoon version of Serena Williams was on the racket. Hehe... Oops. Oddly enough he could've cared less and couldn't understand why I wouldn't let him take it to tennis camp. Lol! (Well at least he's secure in his man(boy)hood. BabyGirl is using that one now. BTW... He just hit an amazing serve!

The coaches gave all the kids tennis racket bags. Hey, that's pretty cool. Way better than a ribbon!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My BFF is coming home today. Xoxoxo

In a couple weeks she'll be moving far far away. 60 miles. Might as well be 600 bc our daily AM coffee ritual will be gone. I have a BFF curse. I've met some absolutely fabulous, utterly insane (in a good way), incredibly funny women since moving here and they have all moved away! Damn city life.

It's funny. My hubby and I were born and raised in cities with millions of people and we couldn't wait to get out of that craziness. Now, all my friends can't wait to get into it. Laugh out loud. The grass is always greener...

I desperately miss the beach though. [Sigh]

There is a company,, that will make phone calls for you so you don't have to stay on hold. Yes, waiting for a customer service rep for 30 mins is frustrating and more than annoying but really? That is the stupidiest idea ever. It IS free and when the rep FINALLY gets to your call, there is automated message from saying, "to speak to your costumer, press 1.". Lol... Stupid but funny.

Have a wonderful Wednesday night.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tuesday Tennis Tips

Don't stand to close to the court where 6 & 7 year olds are playing. Balls are flying everywhere.

The Goldfeild Tennis Center at North Lakes Park in Denton is really nice. The courts are well maintained and the coaches are great with the kids. I have been pleasantly surprised.

Private lessons cost between $45 and $60 per hour depending on the coach. My kids are getting the cheapest coach. Hehe

I was told to watch The Fabulous Beekman Boys. I don't have enough time to get caught up on my Tivo list so most of it gets deleted by my better half.

Okay, I love that show. It's so added to my list! Hahaha... It's a reflection of my own new country life adventures. Except they are way more productive. Makes me want to milk my goat and make goat cheese. Ok, not really.

You would think that the "I am the almighty woman, hear me roar" part of me wouldn't say, "better half" but yes, of course he is. My hubby is an amazing man and makes me a better person in every way.

Have a great Tuesday night.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Just another Manic Monday

I know. Not a very original title but describes my day so far. 8-)

The kids had tennis camp today. They had a blast. Idk why I never did this before. I'm signing them up for private lessons pronto! The boy isn't an All Star player in general but every sport he tries he puts his all into it AND has fun doing it. I respect that and I'm so very proud of him.

The girl as well! She isn't into sports AT ALL. When they started doing the warm-up exercises you could see the look of, "I had to wake up at 7am to exercise? Are you frickin' kidding me?" when she realized what was happening. Haha "I thought this was going to be fun?" Was her exact quote. Lol! However, she did have fun and quit isn't in her vocabulary. So, I'm proud of her for just being her.

So, who do you think is the BB saboteur? On the first show, Lane turned beat red when it was first revealed that there would be someone wreaking havoc in the house. Andrew is always doing something strange and can be just disguised as an anti-social dork. On BB After Dark he was rearranging the food in the Head of Household gift basket. Is that the work of the saboteur or just an odd duck?

I don't think I've ever seen anything interesting on BB After Dark. Thankfully, with side by side tv's I can watch it and get caught up on my all the recorded shows the man doesn't want to watch, simultaneously while sweating to death on the eliptical. I think I might have ADD. Lol